Estas son las declaraciones de Alejandro Poiré, vocero de la presidencia de Felipe Calderón.
I live in two countries, which entail at least two dominant forms of conceiving organized society. These two countries entail a multiplicity of societies, cultures and identities on them, that do not remain contained but communicate with each other and with other worlds. I have discovered that I do not live in two worlds, but in a multiplicity of liminal spaces from where I can observe how fragile and futile it seems the dominant construction and policing of borders and difference.
Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binacionales (FIOB) Llama a Votar Contra Meg Whitman y Caryl Fiorina, Candidatas Antinmigrantes en California y en favor de Jerry Brown y Barbara Boxer.
Los Angeles, CA.- El Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binacionales (FIOB), hace un llamado a todos los latinos que puedan votar, que lo hagan para frenar las posturas abiertamente antinmigrantes de las candidatas republicanas Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina en las próximas elecciones del 2 de noviembre en California. Nos pronunciamos para que nos unamos y votemos por Jerry Brown para gobernador y Bárbara Boxer para el senado.
Estados Unidos fue fundado como nación, por inmigrantes. Sin embargo, es irónico que muchos de estos mismos migrantes después de acomodarse, se sienten dueños de este país y rechazan cada nueva ola de migrantes que continúan llegando detrás de ellos. Es casi un rito que cada nuevo grupo debe soportar el desprecio y la hostilidad de muchos ciudadanos que se olvidan muy rápidamente de su propia historia.
El odio que fomentan en sus discursos y la deshumanizante postura de querer negar a millones de personas vulnerables, el más mínimo respeto a sus derechos humanos para poder ganar una posicón política, es una postura deplorable y peligrosa. Este discurso extremo no sólo rechaza cualquier intento por querer reconocer las contribuciones económicas, sociales y culturales de nosotros los migrantes, sino que nos roba la dignidad como trabajadores, padres y seres humanos.
Es desagradable ver la hipocresía de Meg Whitman quien ganó las elecciones primarias de junio de este año a su contrincante republicano a costa de los inmigrantes prometiendo a los votantes que acabaría con las ciudades santuario, es decir, las que apoyan a los inmigrantes. También prometió terminar con el apoyo a los estudiantes indocumentados en las universidades y declaró que apoyaba la ley antinmigrante del estado de Arizona.
Después de las elecciones primarias, sin perder tiempo, comenzó a cortejar a los votantes latinos y puso su otra cara para decir en los medios de comunicación en español que crearía más trabajos y oportunidades educativas para los latinos. Pareciera que Whitman ignora que la población latina e inmigrante dominamos su idioma y entendemos claramente cuál es su mensaje en inglés y cuál es el mensaje que proyecta a la comunidad latina en español. Sus discursos no coinciden de ninguna manera.
El Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binacionales se pronuncia contra la candidatura de la republicana Meg Whitman. El FIOB cree que la candidata del partido Republicano en California ha mostrado una gran hipocresía al haber contratado a la Mexicana Nicandra Díaz por casi una década para que le hiciera trabajo doméstico, y haberle negado su apoyo para legalizar su estatus una vez que supo que era indocumentada, no obstante seguir utilizando sus servicios a sabiendas de que ella también incurría en una violación a la ley.
Whitman también se ha pronunciado en contra del Dream Act, cuya propuesta es la legalización de jóvenes sin documentos que inician una carrera profesional en alguna universidad, ya que de lo contrario, no tendrían acceso a la educación superior. Whitman dijo que lo sentía, pero que ella prefería favorecer a los ciudadanos y no otorgar esta prerrogativa de una carrera universitaria a indocumentados.
Los Angeles, CA, a 31 de Octubre de 2010.
Más info: (213) 251 84 81.
Para mí es entre hombre y mujer. Pero ¿qué quieren? uno es a la antigüita, dijo González Márquez.
Publicado: 08/10/2010 14:11
La Jornada, México
Guadalajara, Jal. Al gobernador de Jalisco, el panista Emilio González Márquez, los matrimonios entre personas del mismo sexo le producen asco, declaró hoy el propio mandatario al inaugurar la II Cumbre Iberoamericana de la Familia, en la Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, vinculada a la Arquidiócesis de Guadalajara.
“Para mí sí, matrimonio si es un hombre y una mujer. Porque ¿qué quieren? Uno es a la antigüita y uno es así. A lo otro, todavía, como dicen no le he perdido el asquito a aquello”, expresó el mandatario en referencia a las bodas gays durante un discurso de aproximadamente 14 minutos en el que se centró en el “amor” como solución a los embates contra la familia.
En la inauguración del encuentro, en el que participan organizaciones de derecha como la Unión Nacional de Padres de Familia (UNPF) y Provida, el panista aseguró que la familia es la “respuesta a los problemas de la sociedad”.
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The time for common sense, humanism, and the national interest on immigration has come. That time is today, not tomorrow.
Dear President of the United States, Barack Obama
Dear President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon
Dear Members of the U.S. Congress
Dear Members of the Mexican Congress:
It has never been more crucial for the well being of Mexico and the United States to address the issue of migration. This is of fundamental importance for the health of our bilateral relationship and for the future of both nations.
What you resolve on immigration will set a historic precedent for both our nations and for the rest of the world. Can we broaden our ideas and attitudes about the value of immigrants and their families for both sending and receiving countries? Or will these ideas and attitudes remain unfortunately close-minded?
Right now the United States and Mexico have immigration laws and policies that do not work, that ignore reality, defy common sense, and undermine the national interest.
Those laws and policies do not respond to the supply and demand of international labor, to the exchange and creation of human capital, to demographic realities of each of our countries, to our development needs, nor most importantly, to the dignity of immigrants and their families.
These laws and policies fuel undocumented immigration, fear and prejudice, human trafficking, organized crime, corruption and impunity, and an overall disrespect for the rule of law.
Under these circumstances, Mexico does not have today the moral authority to demand from the United States the type of fair treatment of its immigrants that denies to the Central American and other immigrants within its own territory. These circumstances also explain why the United Sates cannot demand that Mexico close its borders to undocumented immigrants, when she herself has failed at this impossible task.
A humanitarian and productive management of migration can not take place in the border regions. It can only be accomplished through decisions made in the Capitol, the White House, the Mexican Congress and Los Pinos. There is no way of “sealing” the borders of Mexico or the United States to undocumented migration as long as the political leaders in Mexico City and Washington do not change immigration laws and policies that for too long have not made any sense.
Emigrating without documents is a tragedy, not an opportunity, for those who have to do it. It is also simply bad policy to try to manage migration while ignoring the laws of supply and demand that govern international labor mobility.
Therefore it is vital for both the United States and Mexico to enact their respective immigration reforms. Delaying them is the real obstacle to guaranteeing respect for the rule of law, securing our borders, and ensuring the well being of our societies.
Carrying out these needed reforms should not be seen as an act of philanthropy, but instead as the enactment of a set of laws that will serve the national interest of both countries. It is not a matter of “rewarding law-breakers,” in the case of undocumented immigrants, but of establishing migratory policies that respond realistically to immigrant’s working conditions. Policies that will also protect the jobs and wages of citizens and legal residents, promote growth, foster social cohesion, and fuel human and public security.
President Obama, President Calderón, members of the U.S and Mexican Congress, you now have the honor to serve your countries and fellow citizens by legislating immigration reforms for the benefit of all.
Carrying out your task with responsibility and pride, you can enact visionary immigration reforms that will release the great potential of immigrants and their families to contribute to the egalitarian and sustainable development of the United States and Mexico. Be the statesmen who set a historical precedent on immigration between neighboring countries and regions.
It will be neither easy nor simple to pass these immigration reforms. But beyond the strong and emotional debates on immigration, the truth is that inaction will benefit no one. Growing anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States and Mexico, as well as the human tragedy represented by the abuse, exploitation, slavery, and death of immigrants –no matter how painful it is to admit-, are caused by inaction on the part of both the United States and Mexico.
Dear Presidents and members of Congress, the time for common sense, humanism and the national interest on immigration has come. That time is now, not tomorrow.
Implementing the immigration reforms that the United States and Mexico so urgently need will enhance the future of both nations, and open new opportunities for our bilateral relationship.
These reforms will also restore the public’s appreciation towards immigrant men and women of yesterday and of today, who have proudly committed themselves to nourishing the greatness of their new homeland.
Mexicans living in the United States and Mexico:
· Ma. Esther Barber, President, Mexican Civic Association or Indiana, Indianapolis, IN.
· Gonzalo Badillo, Consultant on Migration and Legislative Process, Mexico, DF.
· Florina Beysa-Jaime, Federation of Michoacano Clubs of Texas, and Scalabrini Group, Irvin, TX.
· Raul Caballero, Writer and Reporter, Dallas, TX.
· Aurora Camacho de Schmidt, Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA.
· Baldomero Capiz, President, Binational Union of Ex Bracero Workers 1942-1967, Los Angeles, CA.
· Rigoberto H. Castillo, President, Federation of Michoacanos from Northern California, Napa and Sonom Counties, CA.
· Guillermo Carrasco, Association of Michoacanos in California, and Coordinador, Paisano Hidalgo Club Projects.
· Alejandra Castañeda, PhD, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, UCSD, San Diego, CA.
· M.A. Manlio C. Correa, President, Association of Michoacanos Andarai from San Diego and Friends (AMASDA), Businessman and Business Advisor, San Diego, CA.
· Maria D’Amezcua, Chair and Founder, Latino Chapter of the Rainbow-Push Coalition, Chicago, IL.
· Hector Diaz-Polanco, Writer, Professor, Center of Higher Research and Study on Social Anthropology, Mexico, DF.
· Juan Carlos Diosdado-Plascencia, Coordinator, Commission of Education Affairs, Consultative Council Member, Institute of Mexicans Abroad, Chicago, IL.
· Patricia H. Escamilla-Hammm, PhD, Political Scientist and Independent Academician, Tijuana, BC.
· Luis L. Figueiras, Student, Kankakee Community College, Kankakee, IL.
· Yolanda de Garay, Director, Digital Edition, Revista de la Universidad (UNAM), and Advisor to Camino a Casa Foundation, Mexico, DF.
· Alfredo Garcia-Fabian, Secretary, “San Juanico” Club and Vice-President of FEDECMI, Chicago, IL.
· Martha Garcia-Ortega, PhD, Professor, The College of the Southern Border at Chetumal, Q.R.
· Francisco J. Garcidueñas-Andrade, Consultative Council Member, Institute of Mexicans Abroad 2003-2005, Morelia, Mich.
· Ms Leny Gonzalez, President, Board of Directors, Shirlington Employment and Education Center, Arlington, VA.
· Sara R. Gross, PhD Candidate, Department of Government, London School of Economics, Nueva York, NY.
· Ambassador Leonardo Ffrench-Iduarte, ex Consul-General in Denver and Chicago, Cuernavaca, Mor.
· Martin Gonzalez, President, Latino Network, Portland, OR.
· Armando Hernandez, VP Business Development, Security Credit Union, Flint, MI.
· Rodolfo Hernandez, Graduate Student, City University of New York, New York, NY.
· Ivan Jimenez-Maya, Graduate Student, Mexico’s National Autonomous University, Mexico, DF.
· Dr. Adolfo Laborde, Professor, Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Mexico, Mexico, DF.
· Felipe Lopez, PhD, Latin American Institute, UCLA, Los Ángeles, CA.
· Carmelo Maceda, Casa Puebla, New York, NY.
· Oscar Martinez, Real Estate Agent, Phoenix, AZ.
· Andres Mendoza, President, Hispanic Association for Bilingual Literacy and Education (HABLE); President, No Parent Left Behind, Las Vegas, NV.
· Antonieta Mercado, PhD Candidate, Department of Communication, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA.
· Dr. Miguel Moctezuma-Longoria, Professor, Zacatecas Autonomous University, Zacatecas, Zac.
· Fabian Morales, Vice-President, Guerrerense Federation of Illinois, Chicago, IL.
· Francisco Moreno, Secretary-General, Federation of Clubs and Associations of Michoacanos in North America, Los Angeles, CA.
· Alvaro Ochoa-Serrano, The College of Michoacan, Zamora, Mich.
· Carlos Olamendi, Businessman, San Clemente, CA.
· Patricia Olamendi, Specialist and Advisor on Gender Equity, Mexico, DF.
· Carlos Ortiz, LoRa Radio, Zurich, Switzerland- Mexico, DF.
· Aaaron Ortiz-Santos, General Manager, Hernan Taylor & Lee, LLC, Norcross, GA.
· Mariana D. Padilla, Businesswoman, Glendale, AZ.
· Luis E. Pelayo, Founder, Hispanic Council, Chicago, IL.
· Javier Perucho, PhD., Writer and Professor, Mexico City Autonomous University, Mexico, DF.
· Santiago Portilla, Historian and Social Scientist, Mexico, DF.
· Patricia Prado de Caso, President, Camino a Casa Foundation-Support to Victims of Human Trafficking and Sexual Abuse, Mexico, DF.
· Juvencio Rocha Peralta, President, Association of Mexicans in North Carolina, Greenville, NC.
· Israel Rodriguez Quezada, Vice-President, Confederation of Mexican Federations in the Midwest (CONFEMEX), Chicago, IL.
· Esther Quintero, Graduate Student, Columbia University, New York, NY.
· Primitivo Rodriguez, Consultant on Migration, Mexico, DF.
· Ramiro Romero, President, Federation of Clubs and Associations of Michoacanos in North America, Los Angeles, CA.
· Raul Ross Pineda, Director, Huellas Mexicanas Electronic Page, Chicago, IL.
· Juan Manuel Sandoval, Coordinator, Center for Chicano and Border Studies, DEAS-INAH, Mexico, DF.
· Agustin Sanchez, President, Council of Latin Americans in Alaska for Special Services (CLASE), Anchorage, Alaska.
· Rosa Marta Sanchez, Professor, Faculty of Political Sciences, Mexico’s National Autonomous University, Mexico, DF.
· Aida G. Taylor, President, Local Council of Mexicans in North Carolina, Greenville, NC.
· Carolina Vazquez-Rubio, Visual Artist, Mexico, DF.
· Claudia Villegas, PhD, Coordinator, Defeños for their Political Rights Abroad, New York, NY.
· Jose Luis Viveros, President, National Board, Unified Front for the Defense of Citizen Rights, Puebla, Pue.
· Lucia Zezatti, Advisor, Camino a Casa Foundation, Mexico, DF.