
This is my brain on DOC

Dimensions of Culture Program

I am a Teaching Assistant for the UCSD Thurgood Marshall college, Dimensions of Culture Program (DOC). This year-long program has three modules, lasting one quarter each, and it is designed so freshman get "their feet wet" with academic writing. The first module DOC 1 is about Diversity, the second DOC 2 is about Justice, and the third DOC 3 about Imagination. For the final project students did for their imagination course this spring, they had to do a creative piece (collage, poem, photo, short story, painting, etc) reflecting their experience in DOC. The program focuses on making students aware of issues of discrimination regarding class, race, gender, sexual preference, national origin, and other issues. Since I promised my students I was going to do a creative piece myself, and I was short of time, I came up with this collage about my experience teaching DOC this year. 

It has been a great thing seeing how their minds open to new issues and they get used to think critically about society, culture, and the individual. 

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